Alumni - Krithyaa Senthil

Studying art at Hari Shree taught me more than just the technical aspect of it. Over the course of four years, other than painting and drawing lessons, I got to experience many more mediums. We had pottery, tie and dye, embroidery, patchwork and other paper crafts. Art classes as such was therapeutic and it was something I looked forward to because I genuinely enjoyed it. We, as a batch, had plenty of fun during classes and learnt a lot over the years. Art classes in Hari Shree will always be something I will cherish. Art has impacted my life in a big way. It was a medium through which I could express myself. There was never a dull moment during art class and our teachers made sure of that. Classes were very relaxed and fun and helped us all unwind after a day full of studying. Which is why I decided to take up fine arts for my undergraduate. Currently, I'm doing my UG in LaSalle College of the Arts in Singapore and the option of studying art would not have crossed my mind if it weren't for the art classes we had in school. Taking up art in college is nice as I look at art to be a stress buster and it also helps me express myself.
