Nivedita Naveen - ALUMNI

In the four years that I've been an art student, I've had so many amazing experiences. The art room has always been one of my favourite places in school due to its relaxing and creative atmosphere. I'm a relatively quiet person and it's always been this warm and happy space where I was comfortable being myself. Now that I'm going to college, I'm really going to miss just sitting there listening to music and laughing with friends while working on a piece. I can still remember spilling paint all over myself in the middle of an exam and never being able to finish anything on time (to everybody's exasperation). One of my favourite experiences was working on my craft project in 12th grade as I got to explore a lot of new creative ideas and I learned many new skills along the way. I honestly didn't even know that I enjoyed art until I came to Harishree. I'm really grateful to Alamu Acharya, the teachers in the art department and all my friends in art class who helped and supported me all these years. I learned so much from everybody around me and I think that I have gained something that will be with me throughout my life. I will always treasure the memories that I made here.
